Scaredy Cat '07

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Scaredy Cat '07

Postby Danno » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:14 pm

This year's Scaredy Cat is less than a month away. We've made some changes this year. We are staging at Fox Creek Group Campsite near Detroit. Directions to it are easy. From Detroit take the Breitenbush road (up past the Marina) about 6 miles, take a left at the sign and you are there. The site is wide open gravel, tables, vaulted toilets, some shade trees, good cell phone service, easy parking and close to where the ride is. You will need your own water, though. We will eliminate a lot of long hiway sections by starting closer to Detroit. If you want full hook-up campsites with showers call RV Mountain View Park @ (503) 854-3275, located 15 minutes away in Idanha. This year I'll have a more conventional route with a single loop rollchart available, for those people that don't want to put course options together. Pre-entrys will have GPS info ahead of time(1 week early.) I will have some maps on this page soon, so stay tuned! Danno
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Postby Tawmass » Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:56 am

FYI, we have the flyer posted on the Scaredy Cat page here:

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Some Questions Answered

Postby Danno » Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:18 am

I had some good questions from Bill:

I'm interested in riding in the Scaredy Cat this year. I ride an 05 Ural Gear-up. My question is do I need a roll chart for this ride? (I don't have a holder), If yes, do you know where I can get one quickly/cheaply? I do have a Garmin Quest GPS, could I do this ride with only this? Will I need my own maps, or are they provided? Another question is do I need an off hi-way permit/sticker?

Bill, those are good questions,and in the future, I may have those addressed a little better. A roll chart holder works nicely. You should be able to get one from any shop that deals off-road bikes. It's not totally necessary for the type of ride that I'm putting on, though. I provide roll charts in tape or page form. Some people have used the page in a tank bag or taped to the tank or bars. On the EZ sections, the turn markings are far enough apart that the flat form is OK. If your GPS is loadable, I will provide routing and track files. Also, you will get the GPS coordinates for the check points and clues for the bonus points. That would give you most of the info you would need. I will provide some map copies in the sign-up packet. They aren't as good as a Forest Service map, which is always nice to have for exploring. My maps will give you an idea of the different route selections. I have an EZ 80 mile loop, an EZ EZ 90 mile loop, a moderate 100 mile loop, and a challenging 110 mile loop. The maps explain everything. An OHV tag isn't required. We have some gnarly gravel road, but this isn't a trail ride. We are going the same places that any other forest user would go. Please bring any one that would enjoy an adventure, We'll be looking forward to seeing you, Dan
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Camping at Detroit lake

Postby Danno » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:57 am

Jim Loveall met Dawn and I at a spot behind Detroit Lake for 3 days of exploring. We camped in a spot that Dawn and I have used before that is pretty central. Jim and I went out Monday afternoon, after the showers let off. We had some nice rides that had us over 200 miles of pretty much dust free exploring. We've added a few loop modifications from the last few years that are interesting. We may have a couple of issues, one is a current logging operation that may prevent one loop, and the other is a detour on Quartzville Creek Rd. It involves a 15 mile gravel section, that we have used before, but I wanted to have the 30 mile windy pavement piece for an EZ, EZ option. It may be open, just in time. We found a killer two-track near Marion Forks, which is a check, that had become all over grown. Some one had recently cut some windfalls out of the way, and some places were pretty tight with brush and debris. We were thinking it would be a cool addition that eliminates 5 miles of Hiway 22, then the last few hundred feet went accross private property with a chain across the drive to the hiway. Bummer that we can't ride it! We did find neat places to ride, hope you can be there, Danno
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Postby Danno » Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:47 pm

One thing I'm providing this year for pre-entries is an Information Packet that I can e-mail. You will get GPS info for check point locations, resets, quiz checks, and track files (for Garmin users.) For non Garmin people there will be coordinates that can be entered. For non GPS people there will be verbal directions and addresses. Please e-mail me late next week, if you haven't received anything yet. Danno
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Last Minute Details

Postby Danno » Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:42 pm

I just about have the roll chart done. Since I'm tieing it and the GPS together I need the roll chart before I can know exactly what track files and Quiz Check coordinates to use. That's what we're doing Friday and Saturday. Tuesday it should be together and I'll start e-mailing to all the pre-entries. If you pre-enter by Tuesday, I'll include you on the list.

This weekend Rich King is letting me camp with them, at the King family reunion at John Neal Park. All I have to do is act like a King (instead of a Hatcher.) Saturday morning we are meeting at Swiss Village for breakfast at 9:00am. Stop in if you are in the neighborhood. Jim Dukes and his daughter Natalie, Dale Johnson, Gary Anderson, Mike Moore, Tom NNnneeeemmooollaa, Dawn and myself are on the list so far. We're going to do some roll chart confirmation so nobody gets lost! Come on out for the ride! Danno :wink:
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Just Got Back!

Postby Danno » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:24 pm

We camped with the "King Family" at John Neal Park. Had a great time! We did some confirmation Saturday and found a few things that should help the directions be clearer. Tom, Mike Moore, Dale Johnson, Gary Anderson, Jim and Natalie Dukes, met Dawn and I for breakfast, first thing in the morning. We split into two groups and got together again at Little Meadows around 3:00pm. Thank goodness for cell reception! Then we went out Sunday to check a couple of things with Gary, Rich King, Tom And I. Gary took us up Sardine Creek, the best section from their Cascade 150. He suggested using it on the 'Cat. We may use it going down to Kinney Creek, across the dam. Well I got to finish my GPS packet for the pre-entries. That should be ready by Tuesday night, see you next weekend! Danno
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Gary A
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Postby Gary A » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:19 pm

As Danno said it was a great weekend to firm things up for the Scardy Cat. I camped further up the canyon around Detriot Dam, by myself and enjoyed the solitude at night.

I had a couple of memorable moments of this last weekend that I will not soon forget. For instance, waking up Sunday morning and watching a layer of clouds blow westward down the canyon and over the dam. With blue sky above it was an awesome sight. Then there was the memory of Niemela CRASHING ON MY BRAND MEW HUSQVARNA! That baby didn't have scratch one on it until he rode it 20 ft. And I thought he was not only a friend, but an experienced rider :lol:

The Scardy Cat for this year is going to be a great ride. Danno has layed out a fun course. Be sure to bring your camera.

Gary A,

P.S. I'm teasing ya Tom, lighten up on yourself. :P
Gary A
Salem, OR.

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Postby Tawmass » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:38 pm

"Ohwa tador kiam." #-o

If there are no pictures, did it really happen? Man, good thing there was only THREE witnesses. :3some:

We all did have a blast (except for that) and the link below proves it:

-Tippy-Toe Tawm

The pavement quakes in fear as Gary rides by.
Dale (Gary?) and Gary leave a wake of dust and destruction.
Captain Mikey Morgan and the infamous AAA downhill section (just kidding!)
Some of the local party life! They love tequila and Johnny Cash!
Danno, Gary, Dale and 'the' dog.
Contemplating their next album cover, The Vice Grips get the money shot.
Detroit Lake looks almost better from high up! Expect plenty of this at the 'Cat!
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Got to get a faster Camera!

Postby Danno » Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:09 pm

Tooom, you're sooo lucky :oops: that nobody has a camera as fast as yours! Once again, you've caught some great photo op's! I love the picture of Gary riding across the "Mt. Scott" hillclimb! That's where the rollchart sez, "Mt. Scotter's, follow Simon down the hill!" Danno :wink:
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Here's the Story on the Scaredy!

Postby Danno » Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:30 pm

The “Scaredy Cat Adventure Tour” is a little different format than what you may be use to on your typical dualsport ride. My course is a road ride along the Highway 22 corridor or paralleling on back roads. All my checkpoints will be on Highway 22 at private businesses. All the checkpoints will be on a 5-6 hour schedule depending on which one you’re at. There will be no chart for this part of the ride, just detailed maps. It will be important for the rider to arrive at the checks when they are open. This schedule will be somewhat lax. This year we are centering the ride around Detroit. We have two checks there, and one in Idanha. Also there are blind checks at Gates and Marion Forks. There is a gas station available in Detroit and Mill City near Gates, if necessary. Riders are on their own, for lunch.

The checkpoints will be a bit unique. In the past we’ve had scavenger hunt themes, light bike penalty check, vehicle safety checks, so expect more of the same. The “well prepared” rider could earn extra points. The low ball score will be a possible top five finish (to be explained and determined at the event). The best of five checkpoints will determine the score. At this time, there are seven possible checks.

There will be directions for optional back road rides. These will include maps and charts. This year the first part of the roll chart is an EZ, EZ section that makes a 60 mile loop back to camp. For people wanting more adventure, they can put together multiple loops. Some of the longer loops are over 50 miles. The optional routes clover leaf back to Detroit, with our central location. People riding the longer loops may miss some checks, but there are opportunities for scavenger hunt points to make up for this. All scavenger hunt locations have GPS coordinates on the maps and the charts, with roll chart directions, also. Higher points are given for the ones that are more off the beaten path. A lap top may be available at camp for uploading files.

Speaking of camp, we are starting at Fox Creek Group Site, 6 miles up the Breitenbush arm of Detroit Lake. From Salem, drive up hiway 22, when you get to Detroit, turn left just after crossing the bridge. Go past the Marina and in 6 ¼ miles you are at camp. Look for the Scaredy Cat sign and turn left. Ta Da! You made it! Sign up is towards the front of camp.

At sign up, riders will be given their map and chart packets. Riders meeting will be at 7:30 a.m. SHARP. First riders out will be around 8 a.m. with last riders out around 9 a.m. (sign up crew has a schedule to adhere to) and finish cut off is around 4 p.m. If you are arriving late and want to join the ride, the first check is in Detroit. You may join the ride in progress.
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